Welcome to Addicted Anglers!

Welcome to Addicted Anglers!
May 2018, Carl Garrard

Welcome anglers, friends, and strangers all. A new website dedicated to you, is currently in the works. Based in Southern California, I have been an avid fisherman since I was seven years old. Largemouth Bass are my personal forte, but I love fishing in general and the Ocean species nearly as much. The purpose of this website is to bring technical and real world use reviews of fishing gear, and general fishing articles to you, in one central and organized location. With over a decade of online writing and editing experience, I will personally spearhead my new venture and provide you with quality content that can be relied upon as a database and, as enjoyable entertainment as well.

 Thank you for visiting and I look forward to creating new relationships with all of you. Please hit the follow button and share the site with others. Lots of exciting things are coming your way. This website is for you!

Suggestions are 100% desired, always.




Anonymous said…
Nice picture. Need to see more.

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